
Showing posts from November, 2020

Organizational Transformation or Organizational Redefinition?

There is a change and it is accelerating! And organizations cannot do otherwise but adapt to or even better lead it. For, if they do not do it themselves, their competitors will. And then things will definitely become tougher. At least that's how almost all business management textbooks teach. But that no longer seems to be enough…   The speed with which change occurs as well as its magnitude, has made the need to develop the ability of organizations to manage and at the same time to integrate it into their own DNA, more necessary than ever. Quite simply, organizations need to constantly transform and adapt if they want to survive and thrive. But if the speed and magnitude of change has made the constant transformation of organizations more than necessary, the change that a crisis like that of a pandemic can bring about requires much more than that. And this is because, quite simply, change, in addition to being fast and big, has now become traumatic.   Organizations a...