
Showing posts from October, 2019

Why Is Organizational Mission so Important and what to Do about it?

Every organization has to have a reason to exist. And this reason is always about serving somebody or something else. Its very existence depends on that. Otherwise, there would be no point for the organization to exist. The premise is very simple. If there is a need that has and that can in some way be satisfied, the organization can exist. Otherwise it cannot and will not. Should however there is a reason, there can and there has to be a purpose. And the purpose would need to be to serve this need in such a way that the organization would be chosen by those for the service of whom it exists, not only once but repeatedly.   Organizational purpose embodies the answer to the fundamental question of why the organization should ever exist. And the answer to this question is the first and foremost one. It is essentially what drives the answers to all the “what”, “how”, “who” and “when” questions. Simply put, without a well-defined answer to the fundamental “why” question, no other q...